A much-needed criticism of the role Intellectuals play in influencing policy and society. Intellectuals are those in the profession of creating ideas with a heavy ideological focus, with an abstract end product that hasn't been fully proven to work or be true in real world settings. Intellectuals maintain and create through image through the media, publications and academia. These intellectuals ride the wave of the liberal and progressive movements swaying popular opinion and influencing politics and law. Their ideas have been proven wrong, but they aren't held accountable and still maintain their credibility and can continue to spread misinformation. The book describes how these intellectuals come to power and have so much influence on public open and public policy. Great view of economics, politics and academia.
We have many participants in the debate, but only a small segment have reached a point of influence that can effect the greater portion of society. The influence of these intellectuals has increase with todays communication channels with a greater ability to shape public opinion. In the media, these intellectuals often get a platform to say some outrageous things, so of course they have often been proved wrong.