The debunked myths that stood out to me from Scott's book are the myth of the epiphany, how such flashes of insights rarely happen and often the long and hard work is often forgotten or left out of an innovators story. The myth that the best idea wins, sometimes execution and timing can make a not so great idea go far, and there are other variables to consider before you think your idea is world changing. The myth that innovation is always good any successful idea has many consequences, and we need to be more mindful of our creations. The myth of the lone inventor, media tends to idolize the sole hero and people forget the power of collaboration and strong teams that lead to successful innovations.
My entrepreneurial spirit has been blossoming from a young age. In college, I focused a lot on skill development and had begun to lose touch with my more innovative side; or so I thought. There have been many myths around what it means to be an entrepreneur and to innovate. I hard some good things about Scott's book and saw a video of his on youtube and decided to pick up this book to address some incorrect views I may have had towards innovation.